Chang's Gluten Free Products and Recipes

Whether you choose to avoid gluten for lifestyle or health reasons, going gluten-free doesn’t mean missing out. Chang’s has a great range of gluten free and wheat free (tamari) products options just for you!

An Australian laboratory has independently tested all of our gluten-free products so if the label says ‘Gluten Free’ you can be worry free.

Do you have questions about the world of ‘gluten free’?

We have the answers. And if you’d like more information, visit Coeliac Australia who has everything there is to know about being gluten free or coeliac.

Please note:
Foods carrying a gluten-free claim must have been tested and found to contain “No detectable” gluten. By law, however, the manufacturer is still required to list ALL ingredients, which can cause confusion.

In the manufacture of Chang’s Soy based sauces, gluten is first completely removed from the wheat flour by fermentation. This leaves starch, (which is the extract of wheat left). All Chang’s sauces have been tested and found to contain NO detectable gluten.

Chang’s Soy sauce has been tested for 3-MCPD and 1,3-DCP by Australian Laboratory. This sauce is naturally brewed, therefore does not contain these chemicals.

Phone: 1800 638 363

Gluten is a protein which is found in wheat, rye, barley, triticale and oats and for many people, ingesting too much gluten disagrees with them, causing various aches and pains.

Being gluten intolerant is different to having an allergy to gluten, which is coeliac disease. Visit Coeliac Australia for more information.

If you’re interested in cooking without gluten, you can find our gluten free and tamari ranges here and recipe ideas here.

Because gluten is found in wheat, rye, barley, triticale and oats, there are a number of foods gluten intolerant people should avoid, including the obvious such as pastas, breads and cereals, some meat products including sausages, smallgoods, meat pies and other processed meats, condiments including some mustards, salad dressings, sauces (with the exception of Chang’s sauces!), and relishes. Also be aware of snacks including chips and some lollies and alcoholic drinks such as beer!

For a comprehensive list, you can visit the Victorian Government’s Better Health website.

No. Although some people use gluten-free and wheat-free interchangeably they are not the same thing. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye, so all wheat contains gluten, but not all gluten is from wheat.

Put simply, coeliac disease is an allergy to wheat. The immune system reacts abnormally to gluten causing damage to the small bowel. For more information, visit Coeliac Australia.

According to Coeliac Australia, approximately 1 in 70 Australians of all ages are affected by coeliac disease, however 80% are currently undiagnosed.

All of Chang’s sauces are gluten free and many of our noodle varieties are gluten free also.
Check out our gluten free and tamari products here, and remember to have a look at our tasty gluten free recipes too!

All our gluten free products are clearly labelled. As well as our gluten free noodle range all Chang’s sauces are gluten free and we have a special wheat free tamari range too.

No, but it is very easy to make a gluten free version of all your favourite dishes. Rice can be used to make noodles, wrappers, dumplings, pancakes and many other products. Substitute wheat noodles for rice noodles, use rice flower and soya products for your gluten free Asian feast! Chang’s has a large gluten free range including noodles and all of our sauces

What gluten free Asian dishes can I cook?

There are lots of choices! We have a huge range of gluten free recipe suggestions and you can substitute gluten free alternatives in almost all of our other dishes. What are you going to cook first?