Mee Goreng Special Fried Noodles

Mee Goreng Special Fried Noodles



  1. Bring water to boil in the wok and cook the noodles according to packet instructions. Drain and set aside. Wipe dry the wok.
  2. Heat half the cooking oil in the same wok and add the carrots and brown onion. Cook for 3 minutes until softens. Remove from wok and set aside.
  3. Add the remaining cooking oil, heat and add the chicken to the wok and stir fry for 3 minutes. Add the prawns and garlic and cook for a further 3 minutes.
  4. Add to the wok half of the Crispy Noodle Salad Dressing to coat the chicken and prawns and bring to boil.
  5. Next add the remaining ingredients. First the broccoli leaves, green onions, carrots and onions. Stir fry for a minute and then add the noodles. Pour over the Tamari Soy Sauce and the remaining Crispy Noodle Salad Dressing.
  6. Stir to combine well and once noodles are coated turn off heat and allow sitting for a minute. Drizzle with sesame oil and garnish with toasted sesame seeds and extra slices of green onions. Serve immediately.

Note: Make this dish GLUTEN FREE by using Chang's Thai Style Rice Noodles or Chang's Wok-Ready Noodles.